AAF Dallas AdChat Interviews Advertising Editor's Spotlight

Interested in Next Gen Talent? Check Out Our Interviews From the AAF District 10 Competition

Written by AdChat DFW

The annual conference of the American Advertising Federation’s Tenth District occurred from April 17th to 20th at the Beeman Hotel in Dallas. Over 200 students attended, participating in a contest where they crafted integrated campaigns for Tide, this year’s corporate sponsor.

These students come from colleges across Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisiana, studying advertising or related fields. They pitched their campaigns to a panel of judges after completion.

The event spanned four days and featured keynote speakers from prominent companies and ad agencies in the DFW area, including Plot Twist Creativity, BeautifulBeast, SMU Temerlin Advertising Institute, LERMA, Pizza Hut and more.

Patty Harrison from AdChat DFW remarked, “I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing these intelligent and creative students. Their ideas for persuading Tide consumers to switch to cold washing cycles were on par with those of established ad agencies. I was rooting for them all to win.”

Alas, there were only two winners: 

Competition 1 Winner: University of Oklahoma 
Competition 2 Winner: Texas Tech

Watch the “pre-win” interviews…

About the author

AdChat DFW

Promoting Agencies, Marketing, Production and Film in Dallas-Ft. Worth