The fifth year of the AAF Dallas Shining Stars program was thankfully an in-person event that made all who attended giddy with joy to be in each other’s presence. The event, held on September 16th, was abundantly represented by the who’s who in the world of Dallas advertising and marketing.
Since launching this program, there has been a marked shift in AAF Dallas leadership with a board makeup of 65% women.
Adchat DFW had the opportunity to sit down with many of the stars and ask them interesting questions from who was their biggest inspiration to how COVID has affected the industry. Many of the answers will surprise you. The videos were played at the event and are below.
Dallas Shining Start 2020-2021
Johnathon Gonzalez & Hilary Watson
Tyler Fonville, Ashlynn Rehmani & Jimmy Asa, AAF Dallas Patty Harrison, AdChat DFW | Claudia Schaefer, Caliber & Sheila Lemon, Citrus
Brandi Rand, Digitas, and her parents Chris Smith, Plot Twist Creativity
Patty Harrison, Editor, AdChat DFW