Toss the Limitations of High-Speed Cinematography Aside
In the past, if you’ve ever shot high-speed film, you know how extremely difficult it could be. The camera’s movement was limited, it burned up a ton of film, and you never knew what you got till the film was processed. Not ideal. Now that film is all but gone, there is a new way and tabletop at Noonday Pictures will never be the same

Noonday’s Mobot
Michael O, short for Oleksinski, the “mad scientist” and Noonday co-hort, has engineered an industrial robot named “Mobot” that can be programmed with specific X-Y-Z-axis to move at lighting speeds and capture movement in a way never before possible. Now, your imagination has few limits on how to shoot product shots like liquid pouring, food and ice flying, fire burning and many more.
Watch what Mobot, built, programmed and operated by Michael Oleksinski can do.