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Do You Have Bigger Issues than a Press Release Can Solve? Melissa Flynn PR Suggests Strategist vs Tactician

Written by Melissa Flynn

By Melissa Flynn
Melissa Flynn Public Relations

I completely get it. As business leaders, we ask for what we know – and news or press releases are the words that we’ve been used for decades, meaning “our company needs more awareness for what it’s doing related to X.” And true, sometimes, a news release is part of the solution.

The 2022 reality, however, is that when a client or prospect asks me for a news release, it now immediately triggers this question in my mind: “What are you really wanting to achieve for your business? What’s not happening that you think strategic communications might be the answer?”

In my humble opinion, it’s our job as PR/marketing practitioners to take the step back and ask the tough questions first before we launch into writing a release. Why? 1) Because by not questioning and reacting with “ok, I can do that,” we’re reinforcing the old practice that news releases are the solution to various business needs and don’t educate clients about the breadth and depth of what PR is and can do; and 2) It relegates us to being “order-takers” rather than strategists.

I raise this issue now because I’m seeing a wave of the “we need a press release” ask – my guess it’s because (almost) post-pandemic, so many companies need to reinvent themselves publicly and/or want to ensure they’re visible in an increasingly noisy marketplace.

Regardless, here’s the scoop on what press releases can do today. Unlike how we used them 20+ years ago as “the” way to pique reporters’ attention enough to write a story, releases are now primarily used for SEO purposes. That is, the typical reporter/editor will tell you that they now receive 500+ tailored “hand pitches” via email (or DMs, texts, etc.) daily in addition to combing Twitter and other feeds for trending topics and ideas. Very few even see or read “the wire” where we send releases. Trade media may be the exception, as the topics are very granular, and the wire can be beneficial, but by and large, the wire and mass releasing aren’t effective for story generation.

However, releases sent over the wire do help with SEO and online brand awareness. That is, the wires commit to sharing our news with thousands of online news aggregators so the reach can be substantial…they typically don’t result in unique, reporter-written stories in our dream-target media. (Not throwing any shade towards my friends in the newswire business, just aiming to clarify!).

Seek out a strategist and counselor vs. a tactician

The point: There is a time and place for news releases and the newswire. I use both. The more interesting conversations I’d like to have with business leaders, though, isn’t the tactical one; rather, it’s about the strategic business challenges they’re facing. Why is it so hard to get in the door as we pursue new business? We’re incredibly innovative but aren’t perceived as thought-leaders – why? Why are our competitors the go-to in the market, and we can’t seem to break through? My employees feel like we’re not sharing enough vision with them, but I do regular town halls. What are we not doing? These are the conversations that yield creative, business-needle-moving solutions.

Often, the perception is that the media is the primary target for all-things-PR/marketing, but that’s only if the reader or viewer of that media is your key target and will help solve your business problem somehow. The reality is that more times than not, the best strategic communications are hyper-targeted and don’t involve “broad awareness” building.

I, and so many other strategic communications practitioners, can add the most value to your company by being at the table on the front end of the strategic planning discussions. (Not always doable, I recognize, but in an ideal world…) Let us understand your business complexities and your most pressing challenges, then give us the chance to come back to you with business-driven solutions. And by the way, I’m happy to tell you when you don’t need my help, but you do need the help of a market researcher or so-and-so expert, too.

I certainly don’t need to tell you that the business landscape is a challenging one right now. Everyone is looking for solutions and ways to advance their business on this rocky road, and clever PR/marketing is often part of the answer. So, perhaps the consideration is this: The next time you think “we need a press release asap,” pause and instead wonder: “Do I have the right strategic communicators on my team asking me tough business questions and counseling me on that bigger vision and strategic thinking?”

Melissa K. Flynn is a 25+ year strategic communicator, founder of Melissa Flynn PR & Marketing and Past President of the Dallas Chapter of Public Relations Society of America. She can be reached at

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About the author

Melissa Flynn

Melissa K. Flynn, APR, MBA is a 25+ year strategic communicator, founder of Melissa Flynn PR & Marketing and Past President of the Dallas Chapter of Public Relations Society of America. She can be reached at