Advertising Media

Basis Technologies Filters MFA Sites More Effectively Than Most DSP Companies

Written by AdChat DFW

In the realm of digital advertising, particularly in programmatic ad placement, the distinction between legitimate clicks and fraudulent activity can become obscured. Clickbait and MFA (Made-For-Advertising) sites, which offer up low-quality content, are a non-starter for most media companies. Many ad tech vendors have issued press releases announcing their efforts to eliminate MFA sites from their inventory.

According to a recent Adalytics report, Basis Technologies emerges as one of the DSP (Demand-Side-Platform) companies that effectively filter out MFA sites. They have implemented a robust system to identify and avoid such sites, distinguishing themselves from others in the industry. Remarkably, they have been doing so even before it became a widely publicized issue.

Michael Thill, VP of Client Development for Basis Technologies, emphasized, “Transparency and quality have always been at the cornerstone of Basis Technologies, and expectations for the industry are no different. We continually examine our supply partners to ensure we are delivering solutions that serve our customers well. Therefore, we are pleased that the industry acknowledges and values our ongoing efforts.”

The report underscores Basis Technologies’ commendable efforts in filtering out MFA sites, which have garnered recognition and appreciation within the industry.

Basis Technologies employs over 100 employees in the DFW area and has been consistently ranked a Best Place to Work.

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AdChat DFW

Promoting Agencies, Marketing, Production and Film in Dallas-Ft. Worth