5 Questions With AdChat Interviews Advertising Public Relations

“5 Questions With” Scott White, CEO/Co-Founder BizCom Associates

Written by AdChat DFW

BizCom Associates, a fully-integrated public relations and marketing communications firm in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this month. Co-founded by CEO Scott White and COO Monica Feid on October 1, 1999, the agency has delivered award-winning campaigns for over two decades. 

AdChat DFW had the opportunity for a “5 Questions With” interview with Scott about the company’s defining milestones, adaptation to digital media, significant challenges, core values and his vision for the future of PR. 

AdChat DFW:
Looking back at the last 25 years, what do you feel have been the defining milestones that shaped the success of your company?

Scott White:
The first one that comes to mind was convincing my co-founder and our COO, Monica Feid, to join me in starting the agency. She has been the heart and soul of the agency since day one.

Left to right: Scott White, Co-Founder & CEO, Monica Feid, Co-Founder and COO, & John Hayes, Partner

Another milestone seemed small at the time but turned out to be big. Around the mid-2010s, we started doing retreats where we’d get away and discuss how to improve the workplace and add value to clients. Someone suggested we have a day a week to work from anywhere. Everyone seemed to pick Friday so we started remote status meetings on Fridays. When COVID hit, we didn’t miss a beat; we were already working remotely one day a week, and when the state shut down, it was no big deal for us.

When the shutdown happened, our lease was up. We decided to let it expire and go fully remote. That allowed us to expand our talent base beyond just the local area. We started hiring from all over—Illinois, Kentucky, wherever we found good talent. That was a big milestone.

Coming out of COVID, we noticed changes in how people consumed news—more digital, less traditional media. People were checking social media for news, not watching TV or reading newspapers. At that point we had a traditional PR agency setup with team members primarily “generalists” doing it all. We realized that one person couldn’t keep up with all the changes happening so quickly in PR, media, social media and other areas. We shifted to more of an ad agency model where we created divisions: media relations, Digital BizCom,and Client Services.  As visual communications began to become more important on social media, we created a design division, BizCom Design. In addition to being more efficient, this strategy helped us stand out from competitors and we almost doubled in size.

AdChat DFW:
How has your company adapted to the significant changes, especially with the rise of digital media and social platforms?

Scott White:
Recently, we acquired a digital marketing and lead generation agency in Nashville. We work in franchise development—helping franchise brands advertise and promote their franchise opportunities. With print media’s decline, lead generation became more digital, so we needed that expertise. It was easier to acquire an agency than start from scratch. That decision helped us double our size again.

AdChat DFW:
What were some of the most significant challenges you encountered, and how did your team overcome them?

Scott White:
COVID was a big one, but we had already been working remotely, so we were prepared.

Another major challenge was the 2008 recession. We actually did well during that time because many people who lost their jobs became more interested in controlling their own future and franchising was one way to do that. Because we focus on franchises, we often see an uptick in business during economic downturns.

AdChat DFW:
What core values have remained constant for the company over the past 25 years?

Scott White:
I’ve always run my business by the Golden Rule—treating people the way you want to be treated. Loyalty is another core value. Our biggest client, Neighborly, a multi-billion-dollar franchise platform company, has been with us from day one. We have had a number of long-standing relationships with brands that spanned over a decade.

Some clients leave, but when they go to a new company, they call us again. That loyalty is built on treating them well.

Our agency’s core values we operate by are Collaboration, Authenticity, Results, Expertise, and Serving our community.  That creates the acronym CARES. From that we created our philanthropic program BizComCARES and we give everyone two paid days off each year to volunteer with a nonprofit. Since we’re remote, team members can volunteer in their own communities with their favorite organization.

AdChat DFW:
What’s your vision for the next 25 years in public relations?

Scott White:
Well, in 25 years, I hope to be retired, but the future is exciting. AI is going to change everything. Storytelling will always be important, but the way we deliver stories is changing rapidly. I think we’ll see more and more personalized, one-on-one communication rather than mass communication.

We’re going to see a creative explosion, especially as people who might have been locked into big agencies are now able to do amazing things on their own. AI will enable more creative possibilities, and those who embrace it will do incredible things.

The ability to personalize communication, that’s where marketing is headed. Our annual retreat was last week, and we focused on innovation—figuring out how to use all this new technology. It was a fantastic learning experience and one we’ll incorporate into our every day workflow.

AdChat DFW:
It was wonderful talking to you, Scott. You’ve built something amazing, and it’s inspiring to hear how you’re adapting for the future.

Scott White:
Thank you. It’s been a pleasure.

About the author

AdChat DFW

Promoting Agencies, Marketing, Production and Film in Dallas-Ft. Worth