
The Container Store Teams Up with Marie Kondo to Launch New Organizational Product Line

Written by AdChat DFW

The Container Store, a Coppell, Texas based company, partners with Marie Kondo, tidiness guru and media powerhouse, to launch her new line Container Store x KonMarie. The new product line will offer organizing solutions for people who ‘don’t have as many empty boxes.’

The new collection offers 100+ items for everything from closets, to kitchens, to home offices.  They are made from materials such as bamboo, ceramic, recycled fiberboard and wood certified by the Forest Stewardship Council.

Ever since the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and her Netflix Series Tidying Up, Marie Kondo’s fervent devotees reevaluate every item in their home. The choice to toss or keep comes down to deciding whether the item brings joy or purpose. The minimalistic movement that began in the 60’s is fully entrenched in the Millennials mindset, and they love to stay Instagram-ready organized. Now with the Ms. Kondo’s new line at The Container Store, those consumers are offered fresh options to maintain their tidy homes.

The collaboration may raise the fortunes of the Container Store, beyond last year’s record numbers, and this month’s stock price which tripled what it was September 2020.

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AdChat DFW

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