
Hack Ends Summer with a Sizzling Streak of New Clients

Written by The Hack Agency

The Labor Day weekend officially concluded the meteorological summer. And what a hot summer it has been for The Agency Hack (HACK) – the Dallas advertising agency launched earlier this year by industry veterans Ken Womack and Mike Stopper.

The duo has scorched through summer by adding work for seven new clients: Delucca Gaucho Pizza & Wine, benefits manager Holmes Murphy, nonprofit Clay’s Color Crew, Fish City Grill, sports publisher Inside Texas, and the master-planned communities of Wildridge and Ten Mile Creek.

 “It has been a busy summer, and we’re thrilled with our inaugural clients,” said Mike Stopper, partner, strategist, and writer at HACK. “All of them came from past client relationships, which is the real headline, and that’s why they are so meaningful to us.”

HACK is a boutique advertising agency that provides an easier work-around for effective marketing solutions, while also hacking away the staffing layers, wasted time, cost, and unclear results. Womack and Stopper have been in the Dallas market for 25+ years, leading agencies for some of the most-recognized brands in town.

“We’ve had the privilege of producing great work for so many clients over the years, and now many have given us the opportunity to do it again,” said Ken Womack, partner and designer at HACK. “It is fantastic to reconnect and be so hands-on with their business.”

HACK removes the agency barriers and shortcuts the process with holistic marketing services for large and small brands, with a streamlined team of senior level, award-winning Hackers who know how to get the job done.

Some work for HACK’s new clients has already gone live, with more rolling out in the fall.

Stay connected with HACK by visiting their website or following them on Facebook, LinkedIn, X, and Instagram.

About the author

The Hack Agency

HACK is a boutique advertising agency from partners that provides an easier work-around for effective marketing solutions. HACK succeeds where other agencies fail to crack the code of providing clients consistent access to senior-level talent while also hacking away the staffing layers, wasted time, cost and unclear results.

HACK removes the agency barriers and shortcuts the process with wholistic marketing services for large and small brands with a streamlined team of award-winning Hackers who know how to get the job done.