Charles Schwab recently launched Schwab Investing Themes™ as a new approach to investing. Schwab Investing Themes™ enables investors to choose from a variety of themes comprised of a basket of relevant stocks that can be customized. To introduce Schwab Investing Themes™ in a big way, TRG worked with Groove Jones to build an OOH campaign that included a series of augmented reality (AR) murals and anamorphic 3D billboards.
Video of the AR Murals and 3d Billboards
AR-Enabled Murals and WebAR Experiences
The AR-enabled murals were part of an OOH hand-painted mural campaign that appeared in several cities, including New York City and Los Angeles. Groove Jones also developed a series of WebAR experiences featuring a few distinct themes offered by Charles Schwab: Pet Passion, Junk Foods, and Consumer & Business Travel.
Users activate these AR experiences by scanning the QR code displayed on a mural. They are then met with a landing page that says, “Want to put your money where your [blank] is?” The icons within the blank space change depending on which theme tile the user scans.
The Pet Passion experience transports users to a pet wonderland, a neighborhood of various sizes, shapes, and colors of dog houses. Inside each home, a realistic, 3D-animated dog can be seen enjoying the day.
Turning around, users discover the neighborhood playground. Oversized fire hydrant houses, dog bone seesaws, a ball launcher, and a dog zipline make this park a dog’s dream. If users interact with this world long enough, they are met by a corgi that jumps up and licks their phone screen, demanding attention.
Below is an example of the 360-degree environment for the Pet Passion theme.
For the Junk Foods experience, users are transported to a whimsical land filled with sweet and savory treats – a world where cookies, crackers, lollipops, gingerbread houses, ice cream, burgers, soda, pretzels, and chocolate surround the user. If users can keep up, they can watch a junk food train make its way around the entire environment.
Multiple carts, filled with snacks and a variety of sweets, zoom past the user along the cracker pathway.
Below is an example of the 360-degree environment for the Junk Foods theme.
The Consumer & Business Travel experience takes users on an adventure at sea, showcasing a tropical underwater paradise.
Upon activating the experience, users suddenly immerse themselves underwater, surrounded by a rich coral reef and vibrant marine life.
Below is an example of the 360-degree environment for the Consumer & Business Travel theme.
Users can immerse themselves in these engaging AR environments and capture photos or videos to share on social media.
The AR mural campaign was painted by local artists through Hoist Media.
New York Times Square and Los Angeles Moxy 3D Anamorphic Billboard Video
The 3D anamorphic billboard featured an animated video that used CGI to depict a robot scanning through a sea of themes before settling on the theme it was most interested in: Artificial Intelligence.
This ad was tailored for display on two large digital billboards in New York City and Los Angeles.
The New York ad was designed for the Digital Godzilla billboard at 1535 Broadway, and the Los Angeles ad was developed for the Moxy Digital Spectacular at Figueroa Street and Pico Boulevard. Both videos were 15 seconds long and used anamorphic techniques to create a 3D visual illusion from specific viewpoints.
As part of the anamorphic design, the robot appears to reach out of the billboard, grabbing and examining cubes representing a different investing theme.
This dynamic visual effect makes it seem like the robot and the cubes pop out toward the viewers, capturing their attention and sparking their curiosity about the diverse investing opportunities.
The AR murals and anamorphic billboards successfully merged traditional mural and billboard art with cutting-edge technology and visually captivating digital displays. These efforts proved their impact and enhanced brand recognition for Charles Schwab. This innovative approach enabled a high level of interaction and engagement with potential.