Chris Bellinger, CCI at PepsiCo Foods US, posted this today on LinkedIn:
“BOOM! Doritos and Chippy are finalists in the Ad Age A-List for creativity awards for best brand social channel! Beyond proud of the entire team that continues to push the limits within social media and connecting with real fans and real humans.
“And Chippy, Garrett Finnegan, is also up for Social Lead / Community Manager of the Year. Enjoy a little clip of our very own Chippy out there in the world!
“Massive congrats and credit to our fearless PepsiCo Foods US social leaders James Clarke and Erin Higgins and the entire Doritos social team Lauren Kozar Carson Bursey Adrian S. Emma Castelan Falyn Reaugh Catherine (Catie) Brown Ryan Haddox and cross functional partners because none of this happens with PR and legal partners Gabrielle Miller Jenny Allenbaugh Lindsey Smith Sarah Donohue Jeanette Zimmer Elizabeth (Elly) Hayn
“And of course credit to the EPIC brand partners willing to let teams run with it on social and creating a strong brand presence to build off of Hernán Tantardini Tina Mahal James Wade Marlowe Williams Chiara Zamboni Curtis Calloway Tyler Melville Sophie Loeb Frito-Lay PepsiCo D3 @ PepsiCo Foods US.”