Diversity Marketing Marketing

A Must Read for Marketers! Basis Technologies Introduces Their Vertical Knowledge Brief on Diversity

Written by Basis Technologies

Basis Technologies is proud to introduce the inaugural Vertical Knowledge Brief (VKB) on Diversity created by our Research & Insights team. As a cornerstone of our proactive deliverables, VKBs provide monthly deep dives into Basis’s top verticals, illuminating current trends, paid media implications, and the pivotal audiences driving growth.

This comprehensive report is a testament to Basis’s commitment to providing unparalleled insights into key advertiser verticals. From illuminating overarching trends to deciphering audience profiles and dissecting media consumption patterns, the Diversity VKB offers a panoramic view of the evolving landscape of diversity across industries and demographics.

From the burgeoning economic influence of marginalized communities to the cultural sentiments shaping consumer behavior, each section offers a profound understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of diversity. We hope these insights will help guide your strategies toward greater inclusivity and impact in the ever-evolving marketplace.


Key Takeaways
  • Growth in Diversity
    • Diversity is growing with each generation
    • Gen Alpha & Gen Z are the most diverse and multicultural generations to date
    • The LGBTQ+ population is also growing with 66% of the LGBTQ+ community falling between the ages of 18-39
  • Culture & Sentiment
    • Culturally & racially diverse populations enjoy celebrating their communities and feeling a connection to their heritage
    • Still, while many are proud, they also feel frustrated and anxious
    • The rate of discrimination of culturally and racially diverse communities is high
    • While people of different backgrounds place the same amount of importance on political issues, they believe the driving factor for division in the U.S. is differences in race and ethnicity
  • Media Usage
    • Social media usage among culturally and racially diverse populations is high
    • The Latinx community spends a large amount of time on TikTok and streaming TV
    • Black adults spend more time online than the average U.S. adult and are also heavy streamers
    • Asian American Pacific Islanders spend more time online than any other racial or ethnic community and are heavy social users, especially on YouTube
    • The LGBTQ+ community spends significant amount of time on social media due to the community building aspect
  • Buying Power
    • Buying power reaches nearly $8 trillion among culturally & racially diverse populations in the U.S. and will continue to grow over the next several years
    • Buying power of the Latinx community is over $2 trillion making it the highest among marginalized groups and among the fastest growing
    • Black purchasing power is about $1.8 trillion and the community over indexes in purchasing wellness products
    • Both Latinx and Black buyers switch brands more often than the average U.S. adult
    • Asian American Pacific Islander households spend 16% more than any other racial or ethnic group and their buying power is the fastest growing
    • The LGBTQ+ community has significant buying power and advanced savings habits, but many struggle with their spending habits
  • Diversity in Business
    • The number of minority owned businesses in the U.S. is lacking behind the communities’ share of population
    • Within samples of Latinx, Black, Asian American Pacific Islander, and LGBTQ+ owned businesses’ ad spending and creatives, brands’ spending habits mimic media consumption habits
    • The share of companies with diversity sitting on their executive teams has increased; and companies with more diversity on their executive teams outperform those with less diversity
    • DEI initiatives at workplaces are increasing
  • Representation of Diversity in Media
    • Consumers seek out media that caters towards their demographics and want more representation in media
    • Marginalized groups are underrepresented in character roles
    • Asian characters have increased in recent years though they often still follow the “model minority” stereotype
  • Representation of Diversity in Ads
    • Representation of racially and culturally diverse populations sit far behind their actual shares of total population
    • Consumers feel brands have a duty to display diversity in their advertisements, and diverse audiences appreciate when brands have relatable spokespeople, content, and advertisements
    • When brands effectively reach racially and culturally diverse populations, advertisements influence those populations at a higher rate than the general U.S. population
    • Analysis of media spend and creatives for brands advertising towards culturally and racially diverse populations
    • Brands are often afraid to approach diversity and inclusion in their advertisement strategy without proper guidance
    • While many brands are successful, there are many ads that perpetuate stereotypes
  • Research-driven Audience Analysis
    • Demographic and behavioral analysis of the following audience segments as decided by included research:
      • Latinx TikTok Users
      • Black Wellness Consumers
      • Latinx and Black Brand Switchers
      • LGBTQ+ Heavy Spenders
      • AAPI Inclusive Media Celebrators


About the author

Basis Technologies

Basis Technologies is a global provider of programmatic advertising and media automation software and services for enterprises. The Basis platform improves omnichannel marketing performance by unifying programmatic and direct media buying, workflow automation, cross-channel campaign planning, universal reporting and business intelligence. It delivers a comprehensive selection of buying methods across all channels and devices, utilizing all major creative types and formats. Delivered through a world-class media services team or a SaaS model, Basis solves digital media complexity and drives profitability through a single system of record, seamless team collaboration, and actionable data-driven insights. Headquartered in Chicago with offices servicing North America, South America, and Europe, Basis Technologies has received numerous accolades for its commitment to employees and workplace culture. Learn more at https://basis.com.