SUBMIT YOUR WORK NEW YEAR, NEW SHOW The time has come to reward those who’ve willed excellence into...
Category - AAF Dallas
AAF Dallas ADDY Awards Are Open for Submission | Don’t Wait
NEW YEAR, NEW SHOW The time has come to reward those who’ve willed excellence into existence. We...
AAF Dallas Welcomes New Board Members Al Reid & Maire Dale
Marie Dale, DEIB Co-Chair Marie is a Local Sales Manager for Spectrum Reach. Hailing from Buffalo...
Nominations are Open for AAF Dallas Shining Stars 2023
Our 7th annual AAF Dallas Shining Stars is underway and we’re taking nominations until May...
AAF Dallas Announces the Dallas Shining Stars of 2022 | Check Them Out!
Nominate for AAF’s Dallas Shining Stars 2022
AAF Dallas is excited to announce our sixth annual AAF Dallas SHINING STARS, selecting and honoring...
Augustine Agency Celebrates Multiple Wins at AAF Dallas American Advertising Awards
Wins five awards on behalf of leadership and clients Avocados From Mexico and Mission Foods...
How DO Judges Decide? AdChat Interviews 2 Judges for This Year’s ADDYs
Have you ever wondered what goes on inside the heads of judges when they critique your work and...
Make History! ADDY’s Entry Deadline is January 7th 2022
The time has come to reward those who’ve willed excellence into existence. We can’t wait to...
Did You Miss the Dallas Shining Stars Gala? | Catch Our Interviews with these Amazing Women
The fifth year of the AAF Dallas Shining Stars program was thankfully an in-person event that made...