B2B brands need to be more human

Stewards of B2B brands have rarely been comfortable allowing their brands to “let their hair down.” Despite the stampede of B2C brands over the last 20 years embracing their humanity, B2B has fallen woefully short in the brand personality department.

More conservative B2B brands (yes, I’m talking to you, professional services) have always feared sacrificing some of their professional reputation and credibility if they showed too much flair. It’s an understandable concern, but also one that has always been unfounded.

The last 14 months have greatly accelerated a trend that had been on the horizon for the last five years. B2B brands should showcase their humanity. Our agency has been inundated with calls from organizations that seek help to redefine their messaging and position their brand platforms to showcase their beliefs and mission—not just about their place in the business world, but in the entire world, too.

The time is right to take this step. A WPP study conducted after the onset of the pandemic revealed that 62% of consumers feel that companies should continue to communicate with them during the crisis with a particular emphasis on what they are doing to assist their customers and community during challenging times.

Despite the traditional stodginess of B2B dialogue, at its core, it is still human-to-human. Your audience values authenticity now more than ever. Don’t be afraid to tell them what you believe in and why. Showcase your values and ethics.