SUBMIT The 14th annual Dallas International Film Festival hosted by Dallas Film will screen the...
Author - Dallas International Film Festival
Dallas Film Invites DIFF Pass Holders, Members and the...
To prepare festivalgoers for the 13th annual Dallas International Film Festival (DIFF) powered by...
Attention Filmmakers! Submissions for Dallas...
The 13th annual Dallas International Film Festival powered by Capital One and hosted by the Dallas...
Dallas International Film Festival Announces Award...
Josephine Decker | Director of Madeline’s Madeline Concluding the Festivities, DIFF Announces...
Kidnap a Millionaire? Julia Rezende Presents “LIFE IS...
Get DIFF Tickets Now! Brazilian director Julia Rezende will present her fifth feature film, Life is...
Dallas International Film Festival Announces Schedule...
Local film nonprofit Dallas Film Society (DFS) is proud to announce the full schedule for its 12th...
Rob Reiner’s “Shock and Awe”...
Dallas International Film Festival (DIFF) is thrilled to announce the North American premiere of...
12th Annual Dallas International Film Festival...
Prestigious Film Festival Finds New Home at The Magnolia to View Features and Shorts Local film...
Imagine Your Memories Recorded – Dinklage &...
REMEMORY Stars Peter Dinklage and Julia Ormond Famed scientific pioneer Gordon Dunn (Martin...
DIFF – The Spearhead Effect- Extreme Measures...
Journalist Exposes Police Corruption and Finds Himself a Target Reeling from the brutal murder of...