Norry Niven is a name that is well-known in the advertising and production communities in Hollywood and DFW. In fact, people just say “Norry” and everyone knows who that is. He’s has won six Emmys, even more ADDYs and only God knows how many other accolades including being honored at the AICP Show, the Next Awards, the CLIOs, Promomax Best in Show, DIFF and New York Film Festivals. As director and cinematographer, the has created beautiful imagery and story-telling in movies, documentaries, music videos, national show promos, and countless television commercials (including Super Bowl spots) for brands such as Ford, HBO, Disney, Showtime, McDonalds, H-E-B and many more. Given all these accomplishments, it is amazing to note that he’s one of the most humble and kind professionals you’ll ever meet.
We caught up with him to chat about how he approaches his work, his new production company, Thousand Foot Squid, and the secrets behind his incredible ability as a magician.
Check it out…