As part of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, Reel FX has debuted a first look trailer for their animated series Super Giant Robot Brothers! The 10-episode series will have it’s Netflix debut on August 4, 2022.
Super Giant Robot Brothers! is a 3D animated action-comedy series, directed by Mark Andrews (Brave), following two robot brothers, Shiny and Thunder. They are tasked with fighting off the invading Kaiju, but it would be a lot easier if their sibling rivalry didn’t get in the way. Reel FX developed and produced this Netflix animated series, created by Executive Producers Victor Maldonado and Alfredo Torres. Showrunner Tommy Blacha, Andrews, and Reel FX’s Jared Mass and Steve O’Brien are also executive producers. Producers are Paul Fleschner, Adam Maier, and Emmanuel Laurent.
The animated series is the first of its kind to be completely rendered in a video game engine. Utilizing the Unreal Game Engine, Reel FX combines live-action filming techniques with traditional animation tools to visualize the animation in real-time. Reel FX Animation will be showcasing this process at three events being held this week at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival.
Today, Unreal Engine is hosting “The Animation Fellowship,” which will demonstrate how their game engine’s real-time technology is changing the animation industry. Reel FX will be taking over the Epic Games booth at Mifa on Wednesday, where they will be hosting live, real-time demonstrations of the virtual production techniques used in Super Giant Robot Brothers! These events culminate in an Annecy panel called “Epic Games Presents: Animating in Unreal,” where panelists Elizabeth Ito (City of Ghosts), Mark Andrews (Super Giant Robot Brothers!), Brad Lewis (How To Train Your Dragon: Hidden World), and Adam Valdez (Prehistoric Planet) will discuss their approach to using Unreal Engine for animation.
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