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AdChat DFW Welcomes All News, Big and Small

Agency News:
Account account wins, announce new hires, show off new work and content for broadcast, internet, social, print etc.

CMOs, Marketing Directors, Marketing Managers weigh in on how they are keeping up with latest big data insights, display current work, offer thought leadership on current and future trends, etc.

Showing off new shooting techniques, profiling completed or upcoming production etc. This can apply to all mediums: TV, radio, video, print, OOH, animation etc.

Film makers have much to talk about, so please contribute information about your current or future productions and the companies and individuals you are using to create your masterpieces.

There is always something happening in our industry that our viewers want to know about. Please provide event details and something exciting about it so we may properly billboard it and include it in our event calendar.

Thought Leadership:
All bloggers are welcome, in fact we encourage you to use AdChat DFW as your platform to get your ideas out there. 

The list is almost endless … so what are you waiting for?

Submit a Story

If you are ready to submit your story for consideration on our site, simply email the copy to us at and include at least one picture that 1200 x 600 or larger so we can use as the “featured image” for the post. Feel free to send more pictures and videos/links for the body of the post and if they are too big for email please use this link to upload; just click on the Thru Dropbox icon and email to It’s a fairly simple interface that allows you to drag and drop any size or type of file. You’ll have to prove you are a human and enter in the Captcha code first.

Vimeo and YouTube links are encouraged, please make sure they “shareable” on Vimeo and “public” on YouTube. Note that whatever picture you have selected as the thumbnail on either of these interfaces is what will show for the thumbnail inside the post.

If you’ve never submitted a post before, we will create a “user’ for your company so that any post content will be attributed to you and not AdChat DFW.  We will need your company logo or a picture for the avatar and also “about” us copy for your bio. For reference, go to any post on the site and scroll to the bottom, you will see what we need.