
Luke Coffee of Coffee Productions Produces Indie Film “Texas Angel” | Join Final Equity Raise Happening Now

Written by Coffee Productions

This is the story of Luke and Elizabeth. A story of how a young man from Texas moved to Los Angeles to pursue his dreams in film production, and ended up falling in love with a girl from his hometown. Their love was an incredible whirlwind that was abruptly brought to an end after a fatal hit and run accident. Although she had passed, Luke soon realizes that Elizabeth is not gone from his life when she wakes him up from a lethal overdose in the hospital. That begins a series of encounters with her that defy coincidence. For those who struggle through forgiveness, expectations, and accepting providence, the story of Texas Angel shows us what’s possible through faith, hope, and love…the mysterious tapestry of God’s grace.

We’d greatly appreciate your prayers, positive thoughts and ongoing support as we continue the final equity raise and move into pre-production on our indie feature project TEXAS ANGEL which we had paused for awhile during this crazy season of COVID. It’s pushed back our production schedule, but we are more confident than ever that the timing is now to continue onward. We believe the world needs more stories of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE that can unify us and that will focus on the LIGHT of goodness and God’s sovereignty in this very broken world.

Our mission is that through the vehicle of this TRUE LOVE STORY, which I am blessed to have lived, it would bring encouragement to the broken, remind us to have FAITH through through our storms, and reflect LOVE as we learn to forgive while keeping our eyes on HOPE of what’s ETERNAL. That’s my personal calling and prayer for this project, and even more during these current times of discontentment, hate, division and new evils that have been exposed that surround us. Thank you for joining us on this journey and supporting this story that can be a piece of art that will remind us that the LIGHT is stronger than the darkness. Thanks so much!

If you would like to support us during this equity raise, email me at

Much Love,
~ Luke Coffee

About the author

Coffee Productions

Coffee Productions is a Commercial Broadcast and Media Production company based in the heart of Dallas, Texas. Broadcast commercials, web content, corporate videos - we do it all. Check out some of our latest spots along with the link to our full portfolio.