This virus is sweeping the globe, pushing large portions of the world into isolation at both the national and personal level, but the global community is coming together through the Folding@Home network to fight back by furthering research into possible cures or vaccines. This consists of using your computer to complete small chunks of much larger problems, thus giving researchers access to an unprecedented amount of compute horsepower.
As of last Monday, March 23rd, Janimation has been utilizing their computer processing power to help combat the coronavirus. They have installed Folding@home on their workstations which will then perform molecular simulations of protein dynamics.
Steve Gaçonnier explains, you can easily setup your personal computer or your kids gaming computer to be a part of this impactful effort. We encourage each of you to add your home and work computers immediately and join us in making a difference.
Join the Janimation team by adding you computers to our Team Number 249282
Download the app and start folding here.
Stats can be seen here.
Read about Folding@home here.
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