Commercial Production Production Production Company

Fun Story! SCPictures Shares their Winnable Production Challenges for an Unilever/Men’s Grooming Coordinator Campaign

Written by Stewart Cohen

We thought we’d share a fun back-story on a Unilever Men’s Grooming Coordinator project that came dangerously close to not happening.

During the bidding process, the agency stipulated the part of the “Grooming Coordinator” spokesperson be a celebrity football player and needed to trust we could pull a convincing performance out of him. We thought that would be a piece of cake.   

However, after we were awarded the project, the agency’s first choice for the spokesperson got into some “bad-boy” trouble on social media and was nixed. Then their backup became a liability as well.  Suddenly, the project was jeopardized because the client was hesitant to cast any football celebrity who could potentially also get damaging publicity that could negatively reflect on the brand.

No first down yet.

Fortunately, our suggestion to simply cast an actor in the role, was approved at the 11th hour.  Our in-house casting team spent a frenzied 48 delivering a half dozen solid spokesperson choices for agency review and one was chosen.

Problem solved!

As the side dramas unfolded, our production designer moved forward with conceptualizing the set. The preliminary sketches kept it non-descript enough to look like any college locker room, but flexible enough to achieve all the angles needed for the shoot.  

One for the home team!

Another major hurdle was choosing the team colors, as we couldn’t portray allegiance to any specific team. It was quite a process to get all parties to agree, but it was ultimately decided the color blue, was neutral enough. Serendipitously, that was the only fabric color our supplier could get in time for the shoot.

We’d cleared another one!

Our next challenge was shooting all four videos and numerous stills which included a Standee in a single, production day. Like most shoot days, they kind of blur by, and this was no exception. With our super tight schedule, we were lucky the talent delivered with style and effortless grace, and the set worked seamlessly with a few tweaks here and there.  


It was decided the last shot would be the “Grooming Coordinator” sitting in an ice bath, figuring he’d be done after that, even if it was fake ice.

Not exactly a Gatorade shower, but we counted it as a big win!

We are very proud our SCPictures team who super-hustled to put this project together. The client was thrilled the campaign was a success. And because there was leftover AXE, we were all smelling like teenagers weeks after the shoot.

-Stewart Cohen, Director, SCPictures

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About the author

Stewart Cohen

Canadian born Director/Photographer Stewart Cohen loves people. It's this love that he uses in his approach to create authentic and compelling stories, be they stills or motion. The viewer is left wanting to know the beginning, ending and sequel.
“With cameras, I get to explore places and meet people that I’d never know. So I’m always out there—watching for a moment, for the giveaway emotions. I just want the viewer to feel what I see.”