Fanny Dunagan Shows How to Boost Your LinkedIn Brand @ Innotech


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Is 2024 the year that you BOOST your LinkedIn brand? Or will you continue sitting on the sidelines being comfortable?

#Technology professionals and leaders – I’ve created a presentation exclusively for you to 🚀 your LinkedIn brand.


Because I believe you have so much more to share with the world. You lead your teams and you do great work but doesn’t a part of you want to share your knowledge and experience with a bigger community?

You’re holding back.

I get it.

You’re nervous that people will think you’re stepping outside your lane.
You worry that people will think you’re “too much”.
You think people will say you’re “showing off”.
You fear people’s judgement.

But what about those people that can
– learn from your expertise?
– grow from lessons of your mistakes?
– be inspired by your stories of triumph?
– feel like they’re not alone because you faced your challenges?
– be entertained with your stories?

Join me at one of my favorite tech conferences in Dallas-Fort Worth, InnoTech Dallas on Thurs April 11th at the Irving Convention Center, organized by Sean Lowery and his team at Prospera Events.

I’ll be sharing the Top 10 Lessons from Top Tech Leaders that have adopted the best practices of building a personal and company brand.

Not only will you learn the HOW of building a brand but you’ll see examples of tech leaders that are blazing a path in technology!

The event is finished.


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